Plastic Corner Fillet with Wedging (Nailing) Lip

Mainly used for steel shutter – lip to be wedged between angle iron and shutter panel for automatic attaching.

• For timber shutter, lip of PLASTI-CORNER is used for nailing, which eliminates damage and visual marks of nails on concrete.

PLASTI-CORNER With Wedging Lip can be removed from shutters when dismantling and is then ready for re-use.

• Can be bent like plain PLASTI-CORNER.

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• Mainly used for steel shutter – lip to be wedged between angle iron and shutter panel for automatic attaching.
• For timber shutter, lip of PLASTI-CORNER is used for nailing, which eliminates damage and visual marks of nails on concrete.
Plastic Corner Fillet with Wedging Lip can be removed from shutters when dismantling and is then ready for re-use.
• Can be bent like plain PLASTI-CORNER.

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Additional information

Weight 8.2 kg
Dimensions 300 × 20 × 17 cm

10mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm


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