Steel Reinforcing Connections & Channels

Browse our range of Steel Reinforcing Connections that consist of Joluka Steel Hollow Box for Pull-Out Bars used for walls, floor slabs, continuous lift shafts, balconies and staircase landings. Halfen Cast-In Channels are typically used for mechanical services in tunnels, fixings for sun screen/walkway with levelling adjustment, glazing system with fire stopping, typical support and restraint for pre-cast concrete pilaster. Halfen Shear Dowel System is a high load shear connector system to support floor slabs at movement joints. HGC Grip Connector is a simple solution for joining reinforcement bars, particularly suitable when one bar is already fixed in position. Bartec Steel Reinforcing Coupler is a parallel threaded mechanical splicing system for the connection of concrete reinforcing bars by means of couplers. Halfen HLX Lift Box creates an attachment point for lifts that ensures a reliable, safe, temporary attachment for hoisting apparatus, speed governors/limiters, motors and other equipment during installation or maintenance of the lift. BuildFast Diagonal Dowel is designed to achieve superior load transfer at construction joints. Eliminates all risk associated with traditional methods.
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